Ethical and Responsible Use of AI in Practice Management

Generative artificial intelligence is not a new concept for lawyers, who have been applying some forms of it for a while. However, the recent emergence of many low-cost and accessible tools that can offer various benefits in a short time has changed the landscape. But before lawyers can take advantage of these AI assistants, they need to be aware of the ethical and practical implications.

How can they ensure that using generative AI (GAI) for client work is secure and appropriate? The existing rules, as well as the proposed NC State Bar ethics opinion, provide some guidance and some best practices.

In this session, we discuss what you need to consider when using GAI in your practice.


  • Catherine Sanders Reach, North Carolina Bar Association, Cary

Session from 2024 Intellectual Property Law Section Program, March 22, 2024

North Carolina: 1.00 MCLE Hour

1.00 Ethics/Professional Responsibility


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