Brave New World: Lawyer Ethics and AI

Generative artificial intelligence – the ability of technology to generate creative works that mimic human intelligence – is a growing and potentially dominant reality across industry and the professions, including the legal professions. The idea that software might someday supplant the role of lawyers in certain areas of practice has suddenly become reality with the advent of ChatGPT and other forms of generative AI.

This program explores the forms of generative AI and their potential to supplant certain functions performed by lawyers or paralegals, but also how those tools can be harnessed by lawyers to aid their work.

  • What is Generative AI?
  • Recent Reports of Lawyers Misusing Generative AI
  • Competence – Model Rule 1.1
  • Communication – Model Rule 1.4
  • Confidentiality – Model Rule 1.6
  • Supervision – Model Rules 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3
  • Duty of Candor / Truthfulness in Statements to Others / Misrepresentations – Model Rules 3.3, 4.1, 8.4
  • Billing Issues – Model Rule 1.5
  • Advertising – Model Rules 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3
  • Other Potential Risk Issues - Attorney-Client Privilege, Cybersecurity, and Intellectual Property
  • Creating a Law Firm Policy Governing AI Use
  • Practical Challenges for Law Firms

Friday, June 14, 2024
1:00–2:00 PM


  • Matthew Corbin, AON Risk Services, Kansas City, MO
  • Mark A. Webster, AON Risk Services, Kansas City, MO

June 14, 2024

North Carolina: 1.00 MCLE Hour

1.00 Ethics/Professional Responsibility


See pricing below.