Lawyer Ethics When Storing Files in the Cloud (Live Replay from November 14, 2023)

This item is expired.

Most files are now stored in the "cloud," a global network of servers that store files for organizations of every size, including law firms. Many applications, including word processing, email and billing software packages that are used daily by lawyers and law firms, are also stored and used in the cloud.

This dramatic shift in the way files are created, modified, stored, and shared has substantial implications for law firms. The first is a duty of competence requirement that lawyers understand how the technology they employ works and how it might impact client communications and confidentiality, among many other issues.

This program provides a practical guide to ethical issues when lawyers and law firm store and create files in the cloud.

  • Technology competence as an ethical duty of competence
  • Ethical benchmarks and diligence for ensuring file and communication confidentiality in the cloud
  • Mobile access – issues when the cloud is used via smartphone or tablet
  • What if your client uses the cloud but you do not?
  • Attorney-client privilege issues when using the cloud to communicate
  • Internal policies – ensuring law firm security supplements cloud security

Monday, March 25, 2024
1:00–2:00 PM


  • Matthew Corbin, AON Risk Services, Kansas City, MO
  • Mark A. Webster, AON Risk Services, Kansas City, MO

November 14, 2023

North Carolina: 1.00 MCLE Hour

1.00 Ethics/Professional Responsibility


See pricing below.