Trust and Estate Planning for Family Businesses - Part 1

This item is expired.

Most successful businesses are owned by one or more families. Because they are family owned, these companies create many special planning challenges.

Ownership and control do not shift among non-owner managers. Rather, succession in ownership and management is a momentous and often highly emotional process for members of the family.

Frequently, these transitions are caused by the retirement or death of members of a family member. And these transitions, if not carefully planned and delicately handled, can be ruinous, damaging the family and their company.

This program provides a practical framework of trust and estate planning and succession planning for family businesses.

Part 1 topics include:

  • Succession planning in family businesses
  • Counseling clients on how to avoid family drama on succession
  • Valuation issues for financial and tax purposes
  • Buy-sell planning with family members or key employees
  • Selling to third parties where intra-family succession is not possible
  • Planning for the incapacity of the founding generation

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
1:00–2:00 PM


  • Daniel L. Daniels, Wiggin and Dana LLP, Greenwich, CT

February 21, 2024

North Carolina: 1.00 MCLE Hour

See pricing below.