Ethical Issues for Small Law Firms: Technology, Paralegals, Remote Practice and More (Live Replay from March 1, 2023)

This item is expired.

Solo and small firm practitioners wear many hats. They practice law but also run the office and manage all of its information technology – file storage, email, and Web sites. They may supervise paralegals or contract attorneys. They also need to be attentive to developing new clients. Each of these and other roles comes with ethical issues and traps.

Email, file storage, and law firm web sites implicate issues of competence, confidentiality, and potentially the attorney-client privilege. Supervising paralegals or junior attorneys implicates supervisory ethics and conflicts of interest. Client development also implicates a range of ethics issues.

It's a lot to manage for a firm of any size, but particularly for smaller firms.

This program provides a practical guide to major ethics issues for solo and small firm practitioners.

  • Ethical issues for small law firms and solo practitioners
  • Technology – storing client files in "the Cloud," email traps, and remote networks
  • Pooled Resources – shared office/meeting space, shared support staff, shared technology
  • Client Development – web sites and lawyer biographies, email/newsletters, social media, advertising and more
  • Paralegals – training and billing, confidentiality and the attorney-client privilege
  • Co-Counsel – ethical responsibilities when practicing with other lawyers

Thursday, December 28, 2023
1:00–2:00 PM


  • H. Michael Drumm, Drumm Law LLC, Denver, CO
  • Thomas E. Spahn, McGuireWoods LLP, McLean, VA

March 1, 2023

North Carolina: 1.00 MCLE Hour

1.00 Ethics/Professional Responsibility


See pricing below.