Advancing Zoning, Planning and Land Use Objectives Through Public-Private Partnerships (2023 Zoning, Planning & Land Use Section Program)

This item is expired.

This year's program focuses on public-private partnerships (P3s) and the various ways such partnerships can advance planning and land use objectives as well as successful development.

Learn from local government and private sector attorneys about the statutory authority for such "P3 tools" as development agreements, downtown development projects, reimbursement agreements, conditional zonings, and affordable housing and community development, and hear how these partnerships work in practice through numerous examples from both the public- and private-sector perspectives.

In addition, there is an equity-focused session on Opportunity Zones, which were created to spur investment in low-income census tracks but which may lead to gentrification and displacement of residents if such community impacts are not considered.

Also, this program includes the annual planning and zoning legislative and case law update.


  • Case Law and Legislative Update
  • Advancing Common Goals Through Conditional Zoning
  • Coordinating Provision of Public Facilities With Private Land Development: Five Options for a P3 Project
  • Partnering With the Private Sector for Affordable Housing Development: A Successful Case Study in Asheville
  • Harnessing the Capital From Opportunity Zones Toward Equitable Development Goals

Rebroadcast (Original Program Date: April 28, 2023)
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
8:55 AM–4:00 PM

Click here to view the full program agenda.


  • Jannice Ashley, City of Asheville, Asheville
  • Toby Coleman, Smith Anderson Blount Dorsett Mitchell & Jernigan LLP, Raleigh
  • Alexandra Forter Sirota, NC Budget & Tax Center, Durham
  • Lisa C. Glover, Town of Cary, Cary
  • James L. "Jim" Joyce, UNC School of Government, Chapel Hill
  • Payne Kassinger, Kassinger Development Group, Asheville
  • Tyler Kassinger, Kassinger Development Group, Asheville
  • Adam Lovelady, UNC School of Government, Chapel Hill

NCBA Zoning, Planning & Land Use Section

  • Jannice Ashley, City of Asheville, Asheville (Planner)
  • Colin McGrath, Poyner Spruill LLP, Raleigh (Planner)

North Carolina: 6.00 MCLE Hours

1.00 Ethics/Professional Responsibility


See pricing below. Discounts may be available for NCBA members who are students, law professors, judges or legal services/public interest attorneys. Call CLE at 919.677.0561 for details.