2023 Environment, Energy & Natural Resources Law Section Program

8:25        Welcome and Introductions

8:30        Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances

F. Bryan Brice Jr., Law Offices of F. Bryan Brice Jr., Raleigh
Geoffrey R. "Geoff" Gisler, Southern Environmental Law Center, Chapel Hill
Brett Land, Baron & Budd PC, Dallas, TX

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), often called "forever chemicals" because they do not break down like other compounds, are a class of over 10,000 manmade chemicals characterized by a carbon-fluorine bond that does not exist in nature, including PFOS, PFOA and GenX. These chemicals, widely used across innumerable industries for their waterproofing and nonstick properties, are now known to be linked to a variety of negative human health and environmental impacts. As more becomes known about the toxic nature of these chemicals and detection technology improves, there has been an expansion of PFAS-related litigation and regulation. The panel covers recent EPA guidance and the future of the regulatory landscape, as well as issues and litigation associated with drinking water and other contamination from the Dupont/Chemours Fayetteville Works manufacturing facility. The panel also includes a discussion of the ongoing multidistrict litigation consolidating over 3,000 cases regarding PFAS contamination and exposure from Aqueous Film-Forming Foams (AFFF) and firefighter turnout gear in the federal District Court for the District of South Carolina.

9:34        Dams and Dam Safety

Matthew C. "Matt" Burnette, Geosyntec Consultants, Raleigh
Josh Colley, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Raleigh
Carolyn A. McLain, North Carolina Department of Justice, Raleigh

North Carolina is one of five states with more than 1,000 dams that have the potential to cause loss of life or significant property damage should they fail. State agencies, such as the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), regulate more than 80% of the nation's dams. The average age of dams included within the North Carolina Dam Safety Program Inventory is 59 years. As dams age, deterioration — such as rusting metal pipes and structural components — increases, as do repair costs. The majority of these dams are privately owned with the owner bearing the responsibility of operational and maintenance costs, as well as maintaining a safe dam compliant with regulatory requirements. Though compliance with these requirements does not absolve an owner from liability, it does establish the minimum standard to be used by owners. This minimum standard, dependent on hazard classification, can change at any time in the future due to events outside the owner's control, such as the downstream development of businesses and subdivisions. The panel provides an overview of regulatory requirements of dams subject to the North Carolina State Dam Safety Law of 1967, discusses common deficiencies of State-regulated dams, and talks through responsibility and liability when multiple responsible parties are involved, such as property owners, easement holders and Homeowner Associations (HOAs).

10:25      Break

10:35      Emerging North Carolina Issues

Charles S. "Charlie" Carter, Earth & Water Law, Raleigh
Amy Dzialowski, Geosyntec Consultants, Stillwater, OK

Taylor Jones, North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association, Raleigh

Join us for a fun, fast-paced session about emerging trends and the latest updates on the Advanced Clean Trucks Rule, the Carbon Plan and the EPA Brownfields Grant program. After the presentation of each of the three topics, there is a question-and-answer session.

11:54      North Carolina's Environmental Future

Elizabeth S. Biser, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Raleigh

Listen as the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality provides an update on North Carolina's environmental future.

12:13      Lunch Break

12:43      North Carolina Case Law and Legislation Updates

Grady O'Brien, North Carolina Conservation Network, Raleigh
Kalyn N. Simmons, Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP, Raleigh

Hear the latest updates on case law in North Carolina state courts, as well as some relevant new opinions at the federal level. This presentation is followed by an update on North Carolina's legislative developments — hear which bills made it across to the other legislative chamber before the May 4 deadline!

1:43        Collaborations to End Environmental Injustice

Andrew A. Kasper, Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina, Raleigh
Deborah Dicks Maxwell, NAACP, Wilmington
Sean M. Sullivan, Robinson Bradshaw, Raleigh
I. Jasmine Washington, Southern Environmental Law Center, Chapel Hill

Last year marked 40 years since the Warren County protests in North Carolina, which gave rise to the environmental justice movement. Over the past 40 years we have seen the issues of environmental justice take increasing prevalence in discussions around environmental law. In this panel our four panelists explain how they approach this issue from their respective positions in private practice, government, non-profit and community-based organizations. They highlight successes we have seen in the environmental justice movement to date, and the challenges that we have ahead.

2:44        Break

2:54        North Carolina Coastal Update

Justin P. McCorcle, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington
Jennifer F. Mundt, NC Department of Commerce, Raleigh
I. Clark Wright Jr., Davis Hartman Wright LLP, New Bern

This is a panel discussion with attorneys from multiple points of view — the state, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the nonprofit world and private practice. They discuss timely topics related to coastal law in North Carolina such as new developments in CAMA and Corps permitting, beach nourishment-related issues, floating structures, offshore energy, oceanfront homes, and more.

3:59        Mindful Lawyers: Boosting Productivity, Well-Being and Mental Health to Create a Sustainable Life You Love

Doug Brown, Summit Success International, Raleigh

Stressed out and feeling overwhelmed? Tired of sacrificing your health for your work? It's time to change that! Join expert attorney, educator, and entrepreneur Doug Brown, in this game-changing session. Say goodbye to burnout and hello to a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life. With Doug's expert guidance and practical strategies, learn how to manage stress, improve your mental health and boost your productivity, all while making it home for dinner. Don't be a statistic, be a trailblazer! Start your journey towards a better work-life balance.

5:01        Adjourn

† Indicates portion providing Substance Abuse/Mental Health credit

Thank you

Thank you for joining us for 2023 Environment, Energy & Natural Resources Law Section Program.


North Carolina's environmental future is shaped by the initiatives we take today to protect it. Join us as we examine emerging trends and recent developments that affect both the present and the future of our practice, our clients and our state.


  • Elizabeth S. Biser

    Elizabeth S. Biser was named by Governor Roy Cooper as the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality in June 2021. She is the first woman confirmed as DEQ Secretary.

    Elizabeth oversees the state agency whose mission is to provide science-based environmental stewardship for the health and prosperity of all North Carolinians. With offices from the mountains to the coast, DEQ administers regulatory programs, awards grants, and provides public assistance designed to protect North Carolina's air, water, land, coastal fisheries, public health, and works to help transition the state to a clean energy future.

    Elizabeth previously served as Director of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs when the agency was known as the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. During her tenure in that position, she played a primary role in securing $134 million in funding for the design and construction of the Green Square Complex in downtown Raleigh, which includes the LEED-certified central offices for DEQ.

    Elizabeth most recently served as the President of Biser Strategies LLC and the Senior Policy Advisor of the Recycling Partnership. Previously, she was the Vice President of Policy and Public Affairs of the Recycling Partnership, and the Government Relations & Policy Advisor of Brooks Pierce McLendon Humphrey & Leonard LLP.

    Elizabeth earned his B.A. in Political Science and a Master of Public Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

    Click here for information about Elizabeth.

  • F. Bryan Brice Jr.

    F. Bryan Brice Jr. is the owner of the Law Offices of F. Bryan Brice Jr. in Raleigh. Before starting his private practice in 1999, he clerked for Justice John Webb at the North Carolina Supreme Court, then served as a staff attorney with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at their headquarters in Washington, D.C. Later, in the NC Attorney General's office, Transportation Section, Bryan handled all environmental matters for the North Carolina Department of Transportation.

    Bryan is a member of the American, North Carolina and Wake County Bar Associations. In addition, he is a member of the North Carolina Advocates for Justice, North Carolina Bar Association's Lawyer Effectiveness and Quality of Life Committees, as well as the Wake County Bar Association's Swearing-In Committee.

    Bryan has taught numerous classes and seminars with an environmental focus, most recently conducting a class on negligence and environmental issues at the UNC School of Nursing for students training to become Legal Nurse Consultants.

    Bryan earned his B.A. in Political Science, with a minor in Journalism, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his J.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Law.

    Click here for more information about Bryan.

  • Doug Brown

    Doug Brown is an Executive Coach and Chief Learning Officer with Summit Success International in Bluffton, SC. He helps lawyers improve, build profitable and sustainable firms, attract great clients and plan for the future.

    Doug has spent over two decades helping law firm leaders apply proven business principles to generate more sustainable profits in less time and enjoy the freedom they deserve. His experience as a lawyer and entrepreneur gives him the know-how to build resilient teams, sustainable profits and competitive advantage.

    After practicing law for a top mid-sized firm, Doug became corporate counsel and then into national and global executive roles. His unique mixture of legal, business and teaching experience enables him to bring fresh, cross-functional perspectives to help lawyers with the business of the law.

    Doug served as a MBA Program Chair, and Professor for The Malcolm Baldrige School of Business, Executive Director of the Connecticut Bar Association, and Chief Operating Officer of a $30MM retail business.

    Doug earned his B.S. in Finance and Managerial Statistics from Syracuse University - Martin J. Whitman School of Management and his J.D., cum laude, from the American University Washington College of Law.

    Click here for more information about Doug.

  • Matthew C. "Matt" Burnette

    Matthew C. "Matt" Burnette serves as a Water Resources Practice Leader within the Carolinas Region of Geosyntec Consultants based in Raleigh. He helps state, municipal and private clients in addressing water resource-related concerns. His experience includes the development and application of hydrologic, hydraulic and water quality computer models to support dam and levee breach analysis, reservoir operations, spillway design, downstream consequences analysis, flood mapping and the prioritization of potential water quality improvement projects.

    Matt has assisted clients as a program manager, project manager and technical director for dam safety projects including field inspections, hydrologic and hydraulic adequacy evaluations, stability and integrity analyses for earthen embankments and spillways and both standards-based deterministic and risk-based analyses. He has led the hydrologic and hydraulic evaluation of more than seventy-five high-hazard dams located in North Carolina and surrounding states.

    Matt has completed advanced dam and levee safety training through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Risk Management Center on current tools and calculations for risk assessments and estimating downstream consequences from flooding events.

    To advance the state of the practice, Matt has served as a board member for the North Carolina Lake Management Society and made frequent presentations to his clients, colleagues, and academics on topics ranging from dam safety to the use of mobile data collection applications to aid in municipal stormwater permit compliance.

    Matt earned his B.S., summa cum laude, in Hydrology from Western Carolina University and his M.S. in Hydrology from North Carolina State University. He is a licensed Professional Geologist, Professional Hydrologist and Certified Floodplain Manager.

    Click here for more information about Matt.

  • Charles S. "Charlie" Carter

    Charles S. "Charlie" Carter is a partner at Earth & Water Law in Raleigh. He has represented clients in environmental regulatory and litigation matters before state, federal and local agencies. He has over 40 years of experience in the practice of environmental law with major national law firms and serving in senior leadership government roles on environmental regulatory matters spanning four decades. Significant matters include the landmark United States Supreme Court administrative law case, Chevron v. NRDC, the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce on EPA's NOx SIP Call, and the West Virginia Manufacturers Association on Clean Air Act Section 126 cases.

    Prior to returning to North Carolina private practice, Charlie served for nearly 10 years at the U.S. EPA in Washington, D.C., where he was Associate Director of the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations, Assistant General Counsel in the Office of General Counsel, and Chief of OGC's National Standards Branch. Prior to his service at the U.S. EPA, Charlie served as staff environmental attorney for Duke Power Company and Environmental Law Advisor for the Edison Electric Institute.

    In July 2021, Charlie was appointed to a third 4-year term on the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, the agency that establishes rules and policy for the State's air, water, and waste resources. The Commission is a 15-member group of citizens appointed by the Governor and General Assembly.

    Charlie is a member of the bars of North Carolina, the District of Columbia, United States Supreme Court, the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the District of Columbia and Fourth Circuits, and U.S. District Courts for the Eastern, Middle, and Western Districts of North Carolina and the District of Columbia.

    Charlie has been selected by his peers for inclusion by The Best Lawyers in America in Environmental Law for twenty years.

    Charlie earned his B.S in Engineering, majoring in Electrical Engineering, from Duke University and his J.D. from the University of North Carolina School of Law. Prior to law school, Charlie served as a Design Engineer for the SperryRand Corporation.

    Click here for more information about Charlie.

  • Josh Colley

    Josh Colley is a State Dam Safety Engineer at the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) in Raleigh. He has been leading the NCDEQ's Dam Safety Program since February 2022.

    The North Carolina Dam Safety Program was recently recognized with the Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) Southeast Regional Award for initiating innovative projects aimed at reducing risks and improving the safety of dams across the state.

    Before joining NCDEQ, Josh worked in private consulting for eight years, focusing primarily on coal combustion residual (CCR) and dam safety projects throughout North Carolina and Tennessee.

    Josh earned his Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) from the University of Durham, United Kingdom and a M.S. in Engineering (MSE) from the University of Michigan. He is a licensed Professional Engineer with the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors as well as with the Tennessee State Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners .

    Originally from the United Kingdom, Josh has been residing in the United States since 2012.

    Click here for more information about Josh.

  • Amy M. Dzialowski

    Amy M. Dzialowski is a Senior Principal at Geosyntec Consultants in Stillwater, OK. She has more than 20 years of experience in brownfields redevelopment. As an urban planner with environmental and land use planning expertise, she understands the many challenges of urban redevelopment projects. She works closely with public and private clients to provide environmental strategies, funding resources, public engagement, and risk protection. She has completed due diligence on hundreds of properties to facilitate real estate transactions and development. She has comprehensive experience with numerous federal and state regulatory programs including NEPA, RCRA, CERCLA, state voluntary clean-up programs, and brownfields initiatives.

    Amy's expertise in brownfields redevelopment extends beyond a passing knowledge of redevelopment principles, environmental assessment tools, and real estate development. She has worked with dozens of grant-funded programs across the country and successfully secured more than $30 million in brownfields grant funds. She speaks regularly at state and national conferences about the benefits of land recycling and was recently a member of the national planning committee for the national brownfields conference and environmental justice caucus.

    Amy earned her B.S. in Environmental Science and her master's in Urban Planning, both from the University of Kansas.

    Amy also serves her community as vice-mayor. In this role, she has developed policies around funding programs, land use, parks, economic development, and rate structures. Working with city management, non-profits, and students, she recently led the funding, planning and development of an inclusive community playground; welcoming children of all abilities to connect and play.

    Click here for more information about Amy.

  • Geoffrey R. "Geoff" Gisler

    Geoffrey R. "Geoff" Gisler is the Program Director at Southern Environmental Law Center in Chapel Hill. His practice has focused on preventing water pollution primarily through the implementation of the Clean Water Act. Previously, Geoff led SELC's regional water program and federal water policy efforts. He led the team at SELC that negotiated the consent order requiring Chemours to reduce PFAS pollution from its Fayetteville Works Facility.

    Geoff earned his B.S., summa cum laude, in Ecology from the University of Georgia and his J.D., cum laude, from Notre Dame Law School.

    Click here for more information about Geoff.

  • Anne M. Harvey

    Anne M. Harvey is Chief Counsel, Environmental Justice at the Southern Coalition for Social Justice in Durham. She joined the organization in 2023 and is inspired by the diverse cultural and natural landscapes of the South and the warmth and hospitality of the people here.

    Anne has worked in both nonprofit and private practice before joining SCSJ. Her litigation experience includes cases related to land use and zoning, stormwater management, toxic torts, groundwater pollution, utilities and hazardous waste regulation, endangered species law, and Clean Air and Water Act enforcement and permitting.

    Anne earned her J.D. from Georgetown Law and her Master's in Aquatic Environmental Science from Florida State University.

    Click here for more information about Anne.

  • Taylor Jones

    Taylor Jones is Senior Regulatory Counsel at the North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association in Raleigh. She works to advance clean energy policies at the North Carolina Utilities Commission and other legal and policy-making venues.

    Taylor provides NCSEA with legal analysis of clean energy policy and supports clean energy's advancement and fair competition in the state's regulatory landscape.

    Taylor earned her B.S in Environmental Science from the University of Florida and her J.D. from Yale Law School.

    Click here for more information about Taylor.

  • James L. "Jim" Joyce

    James L. "Jim" Joyce is an Assistant Professor of Public Law and Government at the School of Government at UNC–Chapel Hill. He teaches, researches, and advises on topics of community planning, development regulation, and the environmental impacts of land development. He joined the School of Government in 2020 after practicing environmental and land use law for over ten years at a global law firm.

    Since joining the School of Government faculty, Jim has authored guidance documents and provided an array of training and advice to local government officials across the state on the new Chapter 160D of the North Carolina General Statutes. He also posts to the School's local government law blog, Coates Canons.

    Prior to entering private practice, Jim served as a summer clerk and fall fellow at the School of Government, where he co-authored the book Inclusionary Zoning: A Guide to Ordinances and the Law.

    Jim earned his B.A., with highest honors, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a Masters of Community Planning from the University of Maryland, and his J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law.

    Click here for more information about Jim.

  • Andrew A. Kasper

    Andrew A. Kasper is an Assistant United States Attorney with the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina in Raleigh. He is the office's Affirmative Civil Enforcement Coordinator. In that capacity, he is responsible for investigating and bringing a variety of environmental and environmental justice enforcement actions on behalf of the United States.

    Prior to joining the U.S. Attorney's Office, Andrew served as counsel to two state agencies, and spent several years in private practice, focusing on administrative, antitrust, commercial, and constitutional litigation. Andrew also served as a career law clerk to the Honorable James A. Wynn, Jr., on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.

    Andrew earned his B.A. from the University of Michigan, his M.S. in Economics from the University of Texas and his J.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Law.

    Click here for more information about Andrew.

  • Brett Land

    Brett Land is a shareholder at Baron & Budd PC in Dallas, TX. Since joining the Environmental Litigation Group in 2014, he has represented more than a thousand individuals and public entities harmed by toxic contaminants, including per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), and trichloroethylene (TCE).

    Brett is actively litigating cases involving the contamination of drinking water and other properties by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). He represents more than 1,800 private well owners and multiple public water providers in lawsuits against DuPont and Chemours to address those companies' pollution of the Cape Fear River and North Carolina drinking wells with numerous toxic PFAS compounds.

    Brett is also leading Baron & Budd's effort to seek justice for veterans and their family members who were exposed to contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune. For decades the water supply at the base was contaminated by dangerously high levels of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds.

    Brett has also been an integral member of the team seeking to hold Monsanto Company responsible for pollution of American schools and waterbodies caused by their polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a group of hazardous chemicals used in a number of products, including caulk, paint, and electrical equipment. To date, the Environmental Litigation Group has recovered more than $800 million from Monsanto on behalf of public entities dealing with PCB contamination.

    Brett earned his B.A. in Political Science from Baylor University and his J.D., cum laude, from Emory University School of Law.

    Click here for more information about Brett.

  • Deborah Dicks Maxwell

    Deborah Dicks Maxwell is currently the President of the North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP in Wilmington. She is the first female President in North Carolina NAACP history.

    Previously Deborah was the President of the New Hanover County NAACP and NC NAACP District Director for Bladen Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, Onslow and Pender Counties for the past ten and eight years respectively working to improve the quality of life in Southeastern North Carolina for all citizens. She knows that equity in all areas is needed, and this will eliminate racial discrimination.

    Deborah is a passionate advocate for children and positive health outcomes. She strives to provide health information, education and positive outcomes. She is part of the Health Ministry at her home church St. Stephen AME in Wilmington. Her focus on the children of North Carolina has led her to serving as a former Board member of NC Child. Under her leadership the New Hanover County NAACP began hosting an annual health fair during Minority Health Month which is April.

    Increasing minority participation in environmental justice issues is another area of concern. Because of this Deborah is on the board of Cape Fear River Watch and the North Carolina League of Conservation Voters. When there is an environmental justice issue in this area she coordinates working on the issue and empowering those impacted. Governor Cooper appointed her to serve on the Racial Equity in Criminal Justice Task Force.

    Deborah grew up in Wilmington which is currently where she resides. She earned her B.A. in Administration and Management from LaRoche University in Pittsburgh, PA and her M.A. of Social Work, with a concentration in Health, from East Carolina University. She obtained her MSW because she began enjoying her volunteer work more than the retail management position she had. There had to be a way to work and help people, so she decided on a career change.

    Prior to obtaining her degrees she served in the United States Army and Army Reserves at various duty stations to include two years in Busan, Korea. She is a Desert Storm Veteran and attained the rank of Sergeant First Class. She was also a previous commander of the local NABVETS (National Association of Black Veterans) Chapter.

    Click here for more information about Deborah.

  • Justin P. McCorcle

    Justin P. McCorcle has been the District Counsel for the Wilmington District of the US Army Corps of Engineers since 2018. He has served for over 20 years as one of the Corps' primary environmental lawyers in North Carolina. He served as the primary attorney for the District's Regulatory Division for over a decade, advising on matters regarding Clean Water Act jurisdiction, permitting, and enforcement. He also advises on matters involving the Wilmington District's Civil Works program, ranging from navigation projects at both deep draft and shallow draft harbors, to coastal storm risk management (beach nourishment) projects, as well as those issues surrounding the District's five reservoirs in North Carolina and Virginia.

    In his current role, Justin supervises the District's legal office and advises the Command on the full spectrum of Corps programs and initiatives. He is the graduate of three Army leader development programs and has won several Commanders and Achievement medals for his support to regular missions and contingency operations, including support to disaster relief efforts.

    Justin earned his B.S. in Environmental Science and Policy from Duke University, and a J.D., with honors, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Law.

  • Carolyn A. McLain

    Carolyn A. McLain is an Assistant Attorney General at North Carolina Department of Justice in Raleigh. She has been with the State since 2013. She represents the North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources in all matters, including the Dam Safety Program.

    In representing Dam Safety, Carolyn is responsible for seeking and obtaining injunctive relief in superior court on behalf of the program and defends the program when its actions (dam safety orders, civil penalty assessments, etc.) are challenged in the Office of Administrative Hearings. In all instances, however, she prefers to resolve issues and cases informally without the need for expensive litigation.

    Carolyn earned B.A. in Geology from Colgate University and her J.D. from North Carolina Central University School of Law. Between her undergraduate schooling and law school, she worked as an environmental consultant for firms in and around Boston and Raleigh.

    Click here for more information about Carolyn.

  • Kym Meyer

    Kym Meyer is the Litigation Director at the Southern Environmental Law Center in Chapel HIll. She advocates on many environmental fronts: climate change, environmental justice, government access and accountability, and transportation. More specifically, she leads SELC advocacy for government accountability; in North Carolina, she leads transportation work and litigation, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) litigation and policy, and any cases involving state constitutional amendments.

    Kym represents the North Carolina NAACP in its challenge to two state constitutional amendments regarding photo ID voting requirements and income tax rates. "Our constitution gives voice to everything we hold dear as a state—a free democracy, fair elections, and a respect for all North Carolina citizens—not just those who hold a political majority," she said. "The challenge to these two constitutional amendments has required grit, determination, and diligence, and been some of the work of which I am most proud. I am honored to play a role in this important fight."

    Kym earned her B.Sc. in Environmental Science from the University of East Anglia and her J.D., cum laude, from Georgetown University Law Center.

    Kym is originally from York, England. In the South, one of her most unique and special places is Cumberland Island, Ga. She loves its "beautiful mix of history, lush forests and stunning beaches – not to mention so much native wildlife."

    Click here for more information about Kym.

  • Jennifer F. Mundt

    Jennifer F. Mundt is the Assistant Secretary for Clean Energy Economic Development at the NC Department of Commerce in Raleigh. She leads efforts to secure clean energy economic and workforce opportunities for North Carolina, including offshore wind.

    Jennifer brings more than 15 years of State service to Commerce. Most recently, she served as the Senior Policy Advisor in the Department of Environmental Quality and prior to that, she worked for more than a decade as a nonpartisan senior legislative analyst for the North Carolina General Assembly. Governor Cooper has tapped her energy expertise previously, as she leads the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's North Carolina Renewable Energy Task Forces, and she also represents the State of North Carolina on the Regional Energy Resources Council to the Tennessee Valley Authority, a group that she currently chairs.

    Jennifer earned her B.A in Political Science and B.S. in Environmental Science from Virginia Tech before working as an environmental consultant in the private sector. She earned her M.S. in Public Health from the Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In 2019, she participated in the Leadership North Carolina professional development program, graduating with the XXVII class of state leaders.

    Click here for more information about Jennifer.

  • Grady O'Brien

    Grady O'Brien is a Policy Associate at the North Carolina Conservation Network in Raleigh. His work includes tracking, analyzing, and communicating about relevant environmental legislation at the North Carolina General Assembly. He also specializes in federal funding opportunities and water infrastructure.

    Before joining the North Carolina Conservation Network, Grady worked as a Legislative Assistant to a member of the North Carolina House of Representatives, where he learned about state legislative process and policy.

    Grady earned his B.A. in History and Music Theory from Duke University.

    Click here for more information about Grady.

  • Kalyn N. Simmons

    Kalyn N. Simmons is an associate at Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP in Raleigh. She focuses her practice on renewable energy. She assists renewable developers with securing site control, including drafting purchase options and lease agreements. She also counsels renewable developers on local land use and zoning regulations and permits.

    In addition, Kalyn has experience in administrative and regulatory law. She represents energy clients before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and state utility commissions, including obtaining certificates of public convenience and necessity as well as Qualifying Facilities (QF) certification.

    In her commercial real estate practice, Kalyn concentrates on the acquisition, development, and leasing of commercial properties. She also advises clients on land use and zoning, including securing rezonings and special use permits. She has experience representing multifamily developments, hotels, and mixed-use projects.

    Prior to joining Parker Poe, Kalyn practiced with a boutique firm in Cary where she handled civil litigation and business law matters.

    Kalyn is a former law clerk with Judge Chris Dillon of the North Carolina Court of Appeals. She has also interned with the Town of Cary Attorney's Office, where she focused on real estate and zoning.

    Kalyn earned her bachelor's in Political Science from the University of North Carolina Wilmington and her J.D. from Campbell University Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law. While earning her law degree, she was a graduate assistant for the External Relations department and worked extensively with alumni. She also served as managing partner of the Pro Bono Council's Wills and Advance Directives Project.

    Click here for more information about Kalyn.

  • Sean M. Sullivan

    Sean M. Sullivan is a shareholder at Robinson Bradshaw in Raleigh. He advises clients throughout the country regarding all of the major federal environmental programs, with a particular emphasis on hazardous waste, Brownfields redevelopment, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and emerging contaminants like PFAS and 1,4-dioxane. He leverages his broad range of experience and his technical background in environmental science to find creative, cost-effective solutions for the most challenging environmental matters.

    Sean is a member of the North Carolina Chamber of Commerce, Environmental Committee.

    Sean earned his B.S., with honors, from the University of Miami and his J.D., cum laude, from American University.

    Click here for information about Sean.

  • Jeffrey B. "Jeff" Tyburski

    Jeffrey B. "Jeff" Tyburski joined Geosyntec's Raleigh, North Carolina office in August of 2019 as a Principal. Jeff has over 33 years of experience in the environmental consulting field.

    Through his career he has worked on a variety of projects in the public and private sectors. He has significant experience developing cost-effective solutions for Phase II ESAs, corrective action, vapor intrusion and facility decommissioning to mitigate risks associated with subsurface contamination. His primary area of expertise is supporting the redevelopment of urban infill / Brownfields sites. Through his experience, he has the ability to work with property owners, their site design and construction team, legal counsel, investment partners and regulatory agencies to develop an integrated approach to manage environmental risk through the site acquisition, redevelopment design and construction processes. He has been actively involved with regulatory stakeholder groups and initiatives to support development of new regulations and guidance.

    Jeff graduated from the University of Rochester with a Bachelor's degree in Geology.

    Click here for more information about Jeff.

  • I. Jasmine Washington

    I. Jasmine Washington is a Glynn Key Associate Attorney at Southern Environmental Law Center in Chapel Hill. She focuses on environmental justice, industrial animal agriculture, and wood pellet biomass. She works on a number of cases involving Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and has done extensive research on the role of cumulative impacts in civil rights and environmental law.

    Jasmine earned her B.S., summa cum laude, in Agricultural & Environmental Systems from North Carolina A&T State University and her J.D. from the University of North Carolina School of Law. Before attending law school, she served as an agriculture extension specialist with the Peace Corps in Paraguay from 2014-2016.

    Click here for information about Jasmine.

  • I. Clark Wright Jr.

    I. Clark Wright Jr. is a partner at Davis Hartman Wright LLP in New Bern. He focuses on Environmental Law, Agribusiness and Commercial Litigation.

    Clark is a member of the Administrative and Environment, Energy & Natural Resources Law Sections of the North Carolina Bar Association, North Carolina Coastal Land Trust and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy.

    Clark earned his B.A. in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his J.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Law.

    Click here for more information about Clark.

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July 31, 2023
Mon 8:25 AM EDT

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