Selection and Preparation of Expert Witnesses in Litigation (Live Replay from December 9, 2022)

This item is expired.

Experts play a vitally important role in civil litigation, whether they act as consulting experts or also as testifying experts.

The complexity of modern litigation has substantially increased the pressure on attorneys to carefully evaluate the suitability of experts for a particular case and prepare them for testimony. Approaching, evaluating and preparing witnesses, however, is as much an art as science or database search.

Furthermore, once an expert is selected, there are substantial risks surrounding discovery and preserving the attorney-client privilege.

This program provides a practical guide to selecting and preparing experts in civil litigation.

  • How to find the right expert witness and common traps
  • Evaluating the suitability of experts for your case
  • Consulting v. testifying experts
  • Approaching and retaining experts
  • Preparing witnesses for testimony in a specific case
  • Practical tips on the best/worst uses of particular types of expertise in litigation
  • Discovery issues and preserving the attorney-client privilege

Monday, June 12, 2023
1:00–2:00 PM


  • Shannon M. Bell, Kelly & Walker LLC, Denver, CO

December 9, 2022

North Carolina: 1.00 MCLE Hour

See pricing below.